New features to help you plan your journey when buses replace trains
Metlink is making it easier for you to plan your journey when buses replace trains with new updates across our network.
You can now find the Buses Replacing Trains timetable directly on the online timetable page. The "Printable Timetable" button has a dropdown menu, so you don’t have to search for the BRT timetable elsewhere.
The times for Buses Replacing Trains services will be crossed out on the online timetable. This helps you know to check the Buses Replacing Trains PDF timetable directly, instead of assuming it follows the regular train timetable. You can also easily click the Buses Replacing Trains icon to see full details right away.

Metlink is also improving digital real-time information. The live stop pages and screens now show platform numbers for train services and a Buses Replacing Trains icon for bus services, so you can make sure you’re going to the right place.
Updates to the Journey Planner now show the Buses Replacing Trains icon next to relevant services. Click on the icon to see service alerts and stay updated on any changes or disruptions.