Bus driver facilities in Wellington

Staff & Operators Projects & Partnerships

Metlink has been working with unions, territorial authorities across the region and our operators to fully understand this issue and ensure that that drivers are well supported and have access to a good standard of facilities.

Bus drivers are the backbone of public transport and are entitled to hard earned rest and meal breaks. Metlink encourages all drivers and operators to use appropriate facilities and maps have been supplied to operators and unions detailing driver-only and public toilet placements across the region (Wellington City, Hutt Valley, Porirua, Kapiti and Wairarapa).

This information helps support operators when putting their shifts together to make sure drivers can have breaks at sites with the necessary facilities.           

Traditionally, driver-only facilities are not owned by Metlink. Often they are owned by the various territorial authorities across the region e.g. Wellington City Council. Metlink is developing a business case to lease and modernise six Wellington City Council owned sites at Wilton, Northland, Highbury, Houghton Bay, Karori and Lyall Bay.

In addition to this, Metlink is also developing a number of new sites. A drivers facility will be part of a new Metlink layover at 248 Thorndon Quay, which will be in addition to existing facilities at the Lambton Interchange. The layover facility is currently in the design phase and construction will start in 2021. A driver toilet will be added as part of Metlink upgrades at Porirua station which is also planned for construction next year.

Smaller initiatives has seen Metlink add a portaloo in Karori prior to Christmas 2019, which was well received by drivers, unions, and operators at the time. We are also looking at the feasibility of additional facilities in Miramar.