More accessible public transport planned for Greater Wellington


Building thriving urban communities around public transport hubs at Waterloo, Porirua and around the Wellington region has been set as a priority for future work to strengthen Metlink’s network.

Locations were approved yesterday by Greater Wellington’s Transport Committee as possible sites for Metlink’s Transit Oriented Developments, along with the principle that any development creates liveable and sustainable communities by linking housing, transport and social services.

The developments are still being conceptualised, but committee chair Roger Blakeley said Porirua and Waterloo could be the first cabs off the rank.

“Greater Wellington has significant land holdings around each station. Space could be created for housing, retail and public services like health and education,” Cr Blakeley said.

Metlink general manager Scott Gallacher said the developments would be done in partnership with territorial authorities and communities.

“This is all about strengthening our communities with sustainable, human centred design and making the Metlink network more accessible.

“These developments can only be undertaken through formal partnerships with councils, government agencies and the private sector.”

Cr Blakeley said Transit Oriented Developments were understood internationally as enabling urban intensification to reduce carbon emissions.

“They mix residential and commercial opportunities to optimise land use for the public good while maximising access to public transport.

“These developments would fit with Greater Wellington’s vision of linking decarbonised communities with a low emissions public transport network.”